• Saturday, July 19, 2025 at 7 PM

  • A mass choir of singers from all over the northeast

  • Renowned conductors leading 10 great anthems

  • The Great Auditorium Quartet

  • Brass Ensemble

  • Dr. Gordon Turk on the Great Auditorium organ


There is no charge to register for this event. A free will offering will be taken during the service.

Registration Deadline is June 20, 2025.

Although there is no charge to participate in the festival, your registration helps us to plan the event. Thank you for joining us!


Concert Day Schedule

See below for the schedule of events throughout the day of the Choir Festival.

Dinner Options

1) Preorder your dinner by July 1

  • Preordered dinners will be served in the Youth Temple.

  • Catered by the Downstairs Kitchen

  • Preorders coming soon

2) Local Options

There are restaurants within walking distance in Ocean Grove or Asbury Park. Reservations strongly advised.

Choir Festival Attire

For the Festival, women should wear all white or white tops and black bottoms; men should wear a white shirt, a black tie, and black slacks. (If you are planning to sing in the choir during Sunday morning worship, any church-appropriate attire is acceptable.)

Travel and Parking

Groups Traveling By Bus or Van

We strongly encourage you to join with other singers from your area and come to Ocean Grove in a bus or van. Call 732-387-7290 by June 8 to register your van or bus and obtain information on loading sites and reserved parking.

Automobile Parking

Parking for this event is street parking only. Please arrive in advance to secure a spot.

Extremely limited handicapped parking is available onsite. Groups are encouraged to carpool.

Directions To Ocean Grove

Directions to the Great Auditorium can be obtained at oceangrove.org/directions or by Google Maps.


In Ocean Grove

[details coming soon]

Regional Rehearsals

Several choirs extend invitations for choir participants in their area. If you are willing to host open rehearsals in your area, please email choir@oceangrove.org.

Online Rehearsal Resource

Rehearsal notes and playlist will be available on this page.

Prior To The Festival

Anthems should be learned before attending the 1 PM rehearsal on the Festival day.

Festival Day Rehearsal

Ten minutes is allotted for rehearsal of each anthem.


(All Are SATB voicing)

Title, Composer / Arranger, Publisher:

John Rutter “All things Bright and beautiful” Oxford Publishing

Wilberg “Amazing Grace” Oxford Publishing

Parry “I was Glad” Hal Leonard

*Larson “Fairest Lord Jesus” Lorenz Publishing

Gjeilo “The Ground” Walton Music

Raney “This little Light of Mine” Hope Publishing

Boyle “Thou, O God art Praised in Zion” Paraclete Press

*Hagenberg “Through Love to Light” Elaine Hagenberg Music

*Robert Cohen “Celebrate” Self-published

*Mark A. Miller: Newly-commissioned work: “We Are the Love We Long to See” GIA


Participants are responsible for obtaining their own music.

Music from Your Own Library

If you are using anthems from your own library, be sure that the publisher, composer/arranger, and version (SATB) match the list above.

Ordering Music

Packet cost for 2025 is to be announced. To order, contact Loser’s Music, Inc. and ask for the OGCMA 71st Annual Choir Festival packet.

Phone: 800-522-2600

Email: losers@lmf.net

Web: Click here.

2025 Choir Festival Schedule

9 AM Bible Hour with Pastor Christian Andrews

Kickstart your Saturday in the Bishop Janes Tabernacle with us at Bible Hour. Bible Hour features singing, uplifting scripture readings, edifying and thought-provoking teachings, and a welcoming fellowship!

10 AM Welcome for Families and Singers

Join us for this gathering of choristers, family and friends for the day- Get your guide for the day at the Blue tent in Auditorium Square Park

10:30 AM Free Time (2 hours)

Take this opportunity to explore Ocean Grove

1) Visit the beach, ocean and boardwalk

2) Explore the HUB (27 Pilgrim Pathway, across the park from the Great Auditorium)

• Shop Christian Books and Gifts

• Pick up the self-guided walking tour

• Join a tour of the Great Auditorium (until 11:00 or 11:45 AM)

3) Patronize Main Avenue and downtown shops and eateries: Cheese on Main, Odyssey Coffee, Tino’s Artisan Pizza Company, several great gift shops, barber shop, Sea Grass fine seafood.

4) Stop by West Grove Plaza (across from Ocean Grove’s Main Avenue gate): Burger King, Jersey Mike’s, Crab House, and conveniences including Rite Aid and 7 Eleven.

12 – 6:30 PM Changing Areas Available

Youth Temple basement, 21 Pilgrim Pathway

12 PM Lunch

Bring your own, or seek out local sources; see #3 and #4 above.

Bishop Janes Tabernacle will be open for rest and eating.

12:30 PM Great Auditorium Doors Open

for Festival Participant Check-in

Follow Signs to your SATB section

12:30 PM Boogie Board Races

An opportunity for family and friends who are not singing in the choir. Bring your boogie board to North End Beach and register on the sand.

1 PM Rehearsal (3 hours; required)

Great Auditorium. Chorister check-in available for latecomers

Options for Family members and Friends during rehearsal

1 – 4 PM Tour Centennial Cottage

McClintock & Central Avenues

1 – 4 PM Historical Society Museum and Walking Tour

50 Pitman Avenue

1 – 4 PM View Historical Videos/Films

Bishop Janes Tabernacle

2:30 PM Gospel Music Ministry

Boardwalk Pavilion

4 PM Dinner (pre-order required by 7/1)

Hosted by OGCMA in the Youth Temple;

See oceangrove.org/choir-singers for details about pre-ordering.

4 – 7 PM Strawberry Festival

Auditorium Pavilion. Admission fee required.

4 – 7 PM Summer Stroll

Hosted by the Ocean Grove Chamber of Commerce, 39 Pilgrim Pathway (oceangrovenj.com)

6 PM Choir Arrives for Seating

Great Auditorium

7 PM 70th Annual Choir Festival

Great Auditorium