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To tune in while a stream is live or browse all of our content, visit our Youtube page.

Video Player

Click the icon at the top right of the video player to select a different stream.

Sundays 2024


Click the icon at the top right of the video player to select a different stream.


Click the icon at the top right of the video player to select a different stream.

Worship in the Great Auditorium

June 11 – September 10, 2023

Sunday morning’s in person worship services will be available beginning at 10:30 AM on this webpage, on our YouTube channel and on Facebook Live. See buttons below for links.

Click to download the Worship Bulletin

Past weeks’ bulletins are archived here.

Worship through giving

Follow Us on Streaming Platforms

On your smart TV, videogame console or mobile device, launch the YouTube app and search for the “Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association” channel. Services will be streamed beginning at 10:30 AM on Sundays beginning June 11th.

Like or follow our page on Facebook ( to follow our streams on Facebook Live.

Beach Church

Beach Church happens every Sunday at 9 AM at Ocean Grove’s Boardwalk Pavilion May 28 through September 10.

Visit St. Paul’s Ocean Grove Church’s website for viewing options for Beach Church.

Logo for Ocean Grove Church with "BEACH" in red letters, featuring a blue wave design and the phrase "belonging to Jesus."

Bible Hour

Bible Hour is held Mondays through Saturdays in the Bishop Janes Tabernacle June 19 through Labor Day and is live streamed on our YouTube page. Visit our Bible Hour page to access a video player of past sessions.

Listen to the Grovecast

Listen to past Sunday sermons and Bible Hour teaching while on the go!

For ways to listen, visit our Podcast page.